Gastprofessur Stanford 1936/1937
One of our special attractions in German is the presence of some distinguished visitor, usually a foreigner, and we were very fortunate this year in having with us Professor Robert Franz Arnold of the University of Vienna. Professor Arnold gave three courses: “Der österreichische Vormärz,” “Poetik (Drama),” and “Goethes Pandora,” the last-named a seminar course. Professor Arnold’s delightful personality endeared him to the students, while his encyclopedic knowledge in all fields of literature won their profound esteem. He lectured on “Salzburg” in the Thursday evening series, and contributed to the bulletin issued in connection with the Drama Festival.
Bayard Quincy Morgan: Departmental Report Germanic Languages. Annual report of the president of Stanford University for the Forty-Sixth academic year ending August 31, 1937, S. 285
Curriculum vitae
Beiträge in der Zeitschrift »Die Literatur: Monatschrift für Literaturfreunde«:
- Gedenkblätter XXXVII: Christine Touaillon. 30. Jahrgang 1927/1928, S. 643-644.
Beiträge in der Zeitschrift Das Wissen für Alle:
- Die Cultur der Renaissance. Jahrgang 1903, S. 4-6, 22-23, 38-41, 53-56, 68-70, 85-88, 101-103, 117-120, 133-134, 150-152.
Beiträge in der Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde:
- Zur Bibliographie der deutschen Restaurationszeit. 5. Jahrgang 1901/1902, Heft 4: Juli 1901, S. 141-147. (Online-Zugriff)