Datum: Dienstag 23.05.2023 um 9:45 – 11:15 Uhr
Ort: Universität Wien Hauptgebäude, Seminarraum 2, Tiefparterre Stiege 9
Gastvortrag: Prof. Dr. Enric Llurda (Universität Lleida, Katalonien)
A lot of attention has been devoted in the last 30 years to understanding the concepts of nativeness and non-nativeness. Many studies have attempted to problematize the dichotomic division between so-called native speakers and non-native speakers and thus criticize the pervasive and somehow oppressive ideology of native-speakerism (Holliday, 2006). Several others have taken a different path and have aimed at understanding aspects of identity and performance of teachers who align with either one of those two categories. Both approaches have often been presented as incompatible. Yet, I will argue for the need to make them compatible, and to simultaneously work towards erasing artificial barriers separating so-called natives and non-natives and appreciating patterns that characterize the way of teaching of teachers according to their different backgrounds.
In this seminar I will: (1) problematize the concept of the native speaker; (2) show how native-speakerism is still pervasive in contemporary language teaching and in society at large; (3) discuss ways in which native-speakerism can be gradually overcome; and (4) provide arguments for the valorisation of language teachers who choose not to fall within the spell of the ‘native speaker fallacy’ (Phillipson, 1992).
Enric Llurda ist an der Universität Lleida (Katalonien) am Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures als Professor für Englisch und Angewandte Linguistik tätig. Seine Forschungsinteressen liegen überwiegend in der Sprachenpolitik im Hochschulkontext, im Bereich des Englischen als Lingua Franca und insbesondere in der Problematisierung des Konzepts „native speaker“ und dessen Relevanz für Fremdsprachenlehrende.