E-Mail: benjamin.robinson@univie.ac.at
Curriculum vitae
geb. 1983 in Harare, Simbabwe
2007 AB Social Studies und German, Harvard University
2009 MPhil Modern and Medieval Languages, Oxford University
2009-2016 Promotionsstudium an der Northwestern University
2013 “Visiting PhD” am Institut für Germanisitik, Universität Wien
2014 WS Forschungsstipendium des deutschen akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
2015 SS DAAD Gastdoktorand, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Berlin
2016 PhD Comparative Literary Studies, Northwestern University
Dissertation: “Bureaucratic Fanatics in the Work of Kleist, Melville, Conrad, and Kafka”
2016-2017 Post-Doctoral Fellow, ICI Berlin Institute for Critical Inquiry
2017-2021 Universitätsassistent (Postdoc) am Institut für Germanistik, Universität Wien
seit 2021 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow an der LMU München
Bureaucratic Fanatics: Modern Literature and the Passions of Rationalization (de Gruyter, 2019)
The Work of World Literature, hg. mit Francesco Giusti (ICI Berlin Cultural Inquiry Series, 2021)
Schuld in the Anthropocene, hg. mit Juliane Prade-Weiss, Special Issue of The Germanic Review 96:2 (2021)
Climate Justice: Walter Benjamin and the Anthropocene. Special Issue: Schuld in the Anthropocene, The Germanic Review96:2 (2021): 124-142.
The World after Fiction: J. M. Coetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus. In The Work of World Literature, hg. Francesco Giusti und Benjamin Lewis Robinson (ICI Berlin Cultural Inquiry Series, 2021).
Fiction Cares: J. M. Coetzee’s Slow Man. In: Novel 53:3 (2020): 399-418.
Passions for Justice: Kleist’s Michael Kohlhaas and Coetzee’s Michael K. In: Comparative Literature 70:4 (2018), S. 426-443.
Between Future and Past: An Exercise in Political Ecology. In: Hannah Arendt Net – Journal for Political Thinking 9:1 (2018).
State of Embarrassment: Kafka’s In der Strafkolonie. In: The Germanic Review 90:2 (2015), S. 101- 122.
The Poverty of Agency in Conrad’s The Secret Agent. In: Conradiana 46:3 (2014), S. 195-216.
Disassembling the ›SAN DOMINICK‹. Sovereignty, the Slave Ship, and Partisanship in Herman Melville’s Benito Cereno. In: Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung 5:1 (2014), S. 135-150.
Co-organizer with Juliane Prade-Weiss of Schuld im Anthropozän/Guilt in the Anthropocene at the University of Vienna, January 17
Co-organizer with Francesco Giusti (ICI Berlin) of The Work of World Literature, a Symposium with Derek Attridge at the ICI Berlin, June 20-21
Co-organizer with Paul North (Yale) of GSA Panel, Political Nature, September 29
Co-organizer with Birkan Taş (ICI Berlin) of Why care? a Symposium at the ICI Berlin in collaboration with the Waiting Times Project at Birkbeck, University of London and the University of Exeter, July 5-6
Co-organizer with Nathan Taylor (Frankfurt) of ACLA Seminar, Desperate Times, Desperate Measures: “Poverty” in Politics, Literature and Philosophy, July 6-9
Organizer of Post-Truth and Politics: A Conference departing from the Thought of Hannah Arendt, ICI Berlin in collaboration with Bard College Berlin and the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College in New York, April 29
Co-organizer with Alessia Ricciardi (Northwestern) of MLA Convention Panel, Agamben’s Uses, January 5
Virtuelle Bibliothek
Lehrveranstaltungen 2021S
- 100053 SE-B NdL: Seltsame Komik von Kleist bis Jelinek
- 100084 UE Theorien und Methoden der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
Lehrveranstaltungen 2020W
- 100084 UE Theorien und Methoden der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
- 100101 PS NdL: Krankheit oder moderne Frauen
Lehrveranstaltungen 2020S
- 100084 UE Theorien und Methoden der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
- 100141 SE-B NdL: Unterirdische Moderne
Alle bisherigen Lehrveranstaltungen im Vorlesungsverzeichnis